Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Vision Of Heaven

This is how I describe heaven:
After G-d gave Moses the Ten Commandments, in the Old Testament, there were altogether 613 rules, regulations, and laws. The people complained then.

At first, we had the major laws that most people know by heart today, the Ten Commandments. Our future has evolved into agencies of branches with breakdowns of BILLIONS of little policies, rules, regulations, and sub-laws and laws from those ten. I have named just a few that include:
  • Consumer divisions that regulates identity theft, fraud, scams, recalls, credit reports, complaints, debt...
  • Defense and International Military that regulates the military, international affairs, trade, embassies, visas, immigration...
  • Environment, energy, and agriculture for weather, farms, solar, gas, electricity, recycling, natural resources...
  • Family, home, and community for housing, human services, community development...
  • Health and nutrition for medical, health care, insurance, diet, food stamps, fitness, public health...
  • History, arts, and culture for museums, libraries, genealogy, ethnic traditions...
  • Jobs and education for employment, career, workplace, labor, school, students, teachers...
  • Money and taxes for unclaimed government money, credit, saving, retirement...
  • Public safety and law that includes crime, prison, law enforcement, disasters, emergencies...
  • Reference and general government for libraries, forms, government news, laws, photos, maps, research...
  • Science and technology for space, biology, Internet security, media, phone, radio, patents...
  • Travel and recreation for transportation, air, train, international, tourism...and many, many, more.
It is difficult to understand the simplicity of the term "[t]reat our neighbors the way we want to be treated" so we need lawyers to help us define the many laws that affect us today. However, NO ONE can keep G-d's laws perfectly no matter how hard we try. According to scripture, there was an exception to the rule, controversily, Jesus was the only One who kept the law perfectly. And, since He still reigns today, He keeps all of these billions of laws perfectly as well.

We should all strive for perfection in all that we do. Here is why:
Suppose you had a window. The window was passed by the state and federal agencies authorized to approve of such glass. It is a wonderful window and seemingly perfect. But, if you look closely, there are flaws. You can place the window in the window sill and it may appear to be perfect, but amazingly, it is not. There may be tiny areas of drafts. However, by grace it serves it's purpose.
Then, let's say, everybody tosses a tiny pebble at it. Little by little the window starts to erode eventually caving in so that it no longer serves it's purpose.

It is the same with every single thing of all the agencies stated above, the trees with it's insects, the ocean and the environmental hazards, the ecosystem and it's cycles of life...But, get this. In heaven, everything will be perfect. Every leaf on a tree, the river water, the fish and other creatures. Every single detail of every single thing on this earth will be absolutely perfect without a single blemish. That's pretty darn awesome if you ask me.

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